
In addition to felt, I also used the usual blue threads and floss threads, black and blue beads, white beads. I took a button for the fastener.

First, on paper, I drew color patterns of different sizes and shapes. Then she cut felt flowers on them. I measured the circumference of my wrist and cut two identical strips from the blue felt for the base of the bracelet. The strips should be slightly larger than the size of the wrist, as the bracelet is lapped.

From felt details I collect a flower. In the middle of the upper white flower, I cut a small hole - there will be a bead.

I sewed a large white bead with a fishing line for beadwork. The needle passed completely through the flower, thus securing all four parts. Then on the same line I picked up 2-3 black beads and sewed them around a white bead.

I decorated the white petals with blue beads and embroidered with a blue thread. My white felt is dense, so the thread easily passed inside without leaving rough stitches.

The flower is ready. For now, put it aside. Now you need to make the very basis of the bracelet. Two strips are sewn together at the very end, so that all the seams are inside. In the meantime, I took one strip and marked with chalk the place where the flower will be located - in the center. Stepping back a distance of the radius of the flower, I embroidered the petals in black beads. First, I dialed two identical threads with beads, and then I just sewed them to the base at the beginning and places of the bend.

It remains to sew the flower itself. After the strip is fully decorated, we sew the two bases with a decorative seam. For this, I used blue thread floss.

At one end of the bracelet, she made a neat cut with manicure scissors, and sewed a button at the other. The cut can also be sewn with thread for strength, since the base is made of two layers. But, in general, the felt does not tear and does not frown.

The bracelet is ready. This bracelet goes well with jeans or white summer clothes.
