Cleaning your home air conditioner yourself


The wet surface of the evaporator inside the air conditioner is a very favorable environment for the growth of bacteria. When unserviceable equipment starts to work in the house, an unpleasant smell appears, allergic attacks, for example, runny nose and constant sore throat, become more frequent. The increase in noise indicates that, on the indoor unit, the unit accumulated dirt, it appeared as a result of filling the wet parts with dust. Clogged filter element leads to increased energy load.

Air filter cleaning

The filter screen is located under the appliance cover; it is not difficult to remove it manually. It is advisable to clean this filter every week, rinse with soap and water. It is responsible for the intensity of the flow and traps the dust.

Rotary Fan Cleaning

The fan blades are soaked with soapy water, after switching on, dirt and settled fat start to fly out of it, you should cover the surrounding surfaces with a film. The fan is responsible for the air flow rate.

Cleaning the internal heat exchanger

To do this, completely remove the front cover of the device and use a vacuum cleaner, or dust with ribs is cleaned with a soft brush. The edges of the heat exchanger are very thin and you can bend them with inaccurate movements. Such cleaning should be done at least once a year.

Air conditioner disinfection

Tools in aerosol cans are sprayed onto the evaporator. The frequency of processing is carried out on the recommendation of the manufacturer, at least once a year and before seasonal use.

Price / volume ratio of different manufacturers of cleaning and disinfection products for air conditioners

Brand of cleanerPrice,Volume ml
Easy finish1900500
RTU1 3701 000
