How to make a wall decor under a wood board


With ordinary, even well-plastered walls, today you will not surprise anyone. Another thing is if you make a wall decor under a wood board. It will look very original. The interior of the room will immediately change.

To make a wall decoration under a wood board with your own hands, you need a special set. It consists of a textured roller and stamps (imitate tree knots). It can be bought at a store that specializes in decoration, or ordered online.

The advantage of this method of decorating the surface is that in this case you can create a variety of ornaments and avoid a uniform repetition of the pattern, as when using standard textured rollers.

The main stages of work

First of all, we apply a uniform layer of tile glue to the wall surface, and leave it for about 30-40 minutes. Then we moisten the roller with a special release agent (you can also use a more affordable product - soap solution).

We draw the roller over the tile glue, creating an imitation of the texture of the tree on the surface, but note that it is not necessary to press the roller strongly into the solution - just light pressure is enough. To get a more pronounced effect, you can hold the roller several times.

Then we imitate tree knots on the wall surface using a set of stamps from the set. Stamps have different sizes, so you can experiment with the ornament. Before you press the stamp into the adhesive solution, it must be moistened with a release agent.

For the convenience of using dies, you can screw home-made handles to them. Details on how to make a wall decor under a wood board can be seen in the video on our website.


Watch the video: Wood Magnet Board. Wall Art Challenge. DIY Project. How To Cut Logs (October 2024).