Original congratulations on May 9: short SMS, poems, prose


Victory Day, which is traditionally celebrated on May 9 across the country, is one of the most important holidays of the year, because the events of 1941-45. left their indelible mark on the lives of many people.

On this significant day, for the past 74 years, it has been customary to congratulate veterans of the Great Patriotic War and children of war who have done everything to ensure that subsequent generations have a peaceful sky above their heads.

We take this opportunity to bring to your attention short SMS from May 9, small poems, as well as beautiful congratulations in prose dedicated to the Victory Day, so that everyone can share them with their friends, relatives and colleagues on this important day for the whole country, and also, of course, congratulate the veterans.

Short SMS Messages

Years go but glorious feat

We will never forget.

Congratulations on Victory Day,

We wish only to live in peace!


Happy Victory Day,

I wish peace to the sky

So that people don’t shoot,

Never fought.


On Victory Day I want to wish

To forget, finally, about bad weather -

In good health to meet the years

If you cry, then only from happiness!


Thank you for the proud word: "victory",

We are doubly alive for being alive!

Let hope and faith live in hearts

That the world will be eternal on this earth!


Happy Victory Day! Happy people's day!

Happy Defender's Day!

We dream in the world

There was no more war!


Happy Victory Day, glorious and important!

Remember the fallen in battle bravely

We wish each other happiness

Peaceful days without war and misfortune!


Victory Day is a holiday of spring,

Day of the defeat of brutal war

Day of the defeat of violence and evil

The day of the resurrection of love and goodness!


May our faith, our wishes,

Inexorable running slows down time.

Own experience, wisdom, strength, knowledge

Carry in the twenty first century!

Congratulations in Prose

Happy Victory Day! May the courage and heroism of this great holiday never be forgotten by anyone. Let the spirit of victory inspire hearts and lead forward - to new exploits, successes and achievements.


On the great day of remembrance, Victory Day, I want to congratulate all and especially the main heroes of the occasion - veterans. Thank them for their exploits, for their lives given in the name of saving the country. I wish you health, prosperity, material well-being, long years. Peaceful heaven over your head!


We celebrate Victory Day year after year, but it is good that he did not become just another occasion for us to celebrate, but retained its very essence - the triumph of the victory of light over darkness! Let's say "Hooray!" our Victory and we will live very happily!


Happy Victory Day! I wish that there was always a peaceful sky above your head, that this world would bring only happiness, joy, cheerful smiles and sonorous laughter of children every day. Let the echoes of the war remain only in books and films, may pride in the hearts of our heroes of the Fatherland live in our hearts.


The victory was so long ago ... Generations have changed, we have grown up, and now it's our turn to guard the world and make sure that it is safe! On Victory Day, I congratulate you with pride in the feat of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers! Let me wish you good health, many years and well-deserved happiness!


Congratulations to everyone who invested even the smallest part in the cause of Victory, because it was from these particles that a powerful and great well-being of our state was formed. I wish you to constantly feel the warmth of millions of people who remember and will remember for a long time your great feat.


I congratulate you on the Day of the Great Victory, on the holiday that gave us peace, happiness and prosperity. On this day, we express deep appreciation and respect to all the heroes, we will never forget their feat. I would like to wish you health, happiness and good. Happy holiday!


May 9 - the most solemn, closest, dearest and at the same time the most sad holiday - a day of remembrance for all those who were able to give us a peaceful sky above our heads and deserved freedom. I wish you new hopes, prosperity, happiness and continued prosperity - this is the best tribute to veterans, our relatives and grandfathers.

Greetings in verses

On Victory Day, I wish you

To live without war and without sorrow!

To never have children and grandchildren

They didn’t take machine guns into their own hands!


On the eve of Victory Day

I sincerely wish

To not touch trouble

Your house, you.

May the sky be peaceful

And no bomb sound is heard.

Happy Great Victory Day

Congratulations, friend!


You can’t overestimate their feat -

Guys that won in forty-fifth!

I wish you always honor the victory,

And remember those who fought once!


On May 9, congratulations!

May all good things come!

May the sun shine bright

And only peace will bring us!


Great holiday Victory Day,

There is a parade on the main square.

Let troubles not return

And the world will be embraced by good!


I wish you clear, bright days,

Let all troubles go away

May there be peace in my country

I wish you happiness! Happy Victory Day!


Since May 9, Victory Day!

Health to everyone without measure,

Good, good luck to everyone, love

And peace, happiness, warmth.


Watch the video: 2018 UC Santa Barbara College of Creative Studies Commencement (October 2024).