Original candle


A friend once gave candles, but none of us received any pleasure from the gift. These were ordinary candles. The idea to transform such a gift was born by itself.

Of the necessary materials - multi-colored plastic, a wooden stick and a clerical knife. First, roll out two “worms” in the hands and weave them together. We lay out the obtained pigtail around the candle - we get the "foundation" for the main decoration. After that, we begin to sculpt flowers.

The main thing is patience, then any small detail will work out. We tear off a piece of plastic along a small pea, knead in our hands, thus, we get petals. The color, shape and number of petals can be any. Gluing the petals together, we get a flower. It should stick to the base. You can first blind all the flowers, and then fix them on the base, but this, in my opinion, is more difficult.

Plastic of different colors mixes well. Thanks to this, you can get a wide variety of colors and shades. You can completely and not mix, then get colored streaks on the petals. It should be remembered that when baking, the plastic becomes a little darker.
When several flowers are already stuck together, they need to be decorated with leaves. We roll out a pancake from a green plastic with a wooden stick. Then with a clerical knife, cut out leaves of a shape that you like. Leaves can be sculpted either to flowers or to the base. So we fill all the space on a pigtail-based.

The last step is baking in the oven. The candle can be removed or left (if you are afraid to break everything). The plastic packaging usually shows a time of 30 minutes. But from my own experience I know that in 30 minutes. everything will burn. The oven should be heated to 250 degrees, bake the craft on a wooden plank for about 5 minutes. (depending on size). Then just wait until the decoration cools down and that's it. Such a candle is quite an original gift.
