Do-it-yourself headphones


Surely every house has a box with any outdated or broken headset from a variety of gadgets. Among this rubbish, there will surely be old or inoperative vacuum headphones that can be given a second life and a completely different look. Namely: headphones in the form of cartridges! It is unlikely that any of your friends and acquaintances will find such, which will undoubtedly cause interest and surprise.

Will need

To make them we need:
  • Emery machine.
  • Drill.
  • Two dowels (one normal, the other with a sawed tip).
  • Fine sandpaper.
  • Instant glue or composite "cold welding".
  • Soldering iron (with tin and flux).
  • Scissors.
  • Stationery knife.
  • Old headphones.
  • Two spent cartridges (7.62 × 39).

Making original headphones from cartridges

First, prepare the headphones. With the help of scissors, we separate the headphones themselves from the wires. Under the root? Then, with the help of a clerical knife, we disassemble the earphone itself.

Be careful not to damage the speaker! We solder (or cut off!) From the speaker wiring. If the headphone plug is damaged (this is, in most cases, the reason for breaking the headphone), you will have to purchase a new one in the store. You can, of course, fix the old one, but it will not have a very spectacular appearance. The plug is the most common and it will not be difficult to find it. Next, you need to solder the plug to the cable, just by looking at the location of the colored wires on the disassembled old plug. We put aside the disassembled headphones and the cable with the plug to the side to tackle the very latest headphones.
To do this, take our prepared shells and saw off from each of them the lower part (with a capsule) 10 mm long.

The result is such a blank:

Now we need a drill. We drill a small layer of metal at the bottom of the sleeve (there is a recess there, so it is not necessary to core) so that you can knock out the anvil protrusion with a brass capsule with a sharp dowel:

Next, we take the capsule itself and align on it on a metal surface the dent left by the striker during the shot. To do this, insert a dowel into it with a cut tip and light hammer blows on the dowel head, we straighten a dent:

Then, from the outside, we grind the bottom of the capsule with fine-grained emery paper, thereby removing the remaining bumps:

We insert the aligned capsule back into the sleeve, driving it there with a wooden mallet. Then we grind it all on the felt with goy paste, so that the capsule shines. For fidelity, you can drip a drop of glue from the inside. The result was such a blank:

Now we drill a hole for a wire with a diameter of 2 mm in the workpiece. As close to the bottom of the sleeve:

Pass the cable for the earphone into the side hole of the sleeve from the outside. But before that, it would be nice to roll the edges of the hole with some larger drill, so that the cable does not cut into sharp edges and do not forget to tie a knot at the end of the cable, so that in the future you accidentally do not tear the cable out of the earphone. Then, using a soldering iron, tin and flux, solder the wiring from the cable to the contacts of the earpiece speaker:

We wait until it cools down. It remains only to glue the plastic part of the earpiece, with the speaker inside, to the sleeve. Personally, I used the usual second glue for this and am completely satisfied with this, but if it does not inspire confidence, you can use composite glue, such as "cold welding".
So half the job done! Now we repeat the entire procedure described above with the second sleeve and earphone. At the end of the work, wipe the headphones made with alcohol and put on them rubber nozzles - ear pads.
All. Headphones are ready for use. Use on health!


Watch the video: DIY Headphones (October 2024).