Angel of felt


DIY angel from felt master class
Favorite children's holiday of winter is not only the New Year, but also its neighbors, Christmas, St. Nicholas and Kutia. All these holidays are very important main and church, so they are accompanied and guarded by guardian angels. For children, these holidays are, of course, associated with gifts, since most children receive a gift for St. Nicholas under a pillow, at Kutia and Christmas, children carry Holy Kutia to their neighbors and relatives, and in return they are treated to various sweets and small gifts. Each child is guarded and accompanied by its own angel, however, like any person, but childhood dreams are real, and for them an angel is a really powerful patron. So on one of the above holidays it will be just relevant to give an angel. Moreover, this angel will be special, as it will be sewn by hand, and, accordingly, will be a very good children's amulet. That's how each mother can sew an interesting soft angel from felt for her child. Right now we will consider a master class on tailoring an angel from felt.
We will need to take:
• Soft felt of white, blue, beige and light pink;
• Pattern of an angel on paper;
• Threads are black, pink and white;
• needle;
• Holofiber filler;
• bell;
• Acrylic white snowflakes;
• Purple satin ribbon 3 mm wide;
• Sequins white with a hologram on ribbons;
• scissors;
• Lighter;
• Cotton lace;
• Half beads and rhinestones.

To begin with, we cut out individual elements of an angel from a paper pattern. On each element, the number indicates the number of parts that we need.

Now we attach each paper part to a certain color of felt and circle. So, we cut out two parts of the wings from blue felt, from light pink felt we cut out two different parts of the head, from white we cut out two parts of the body and four details of the sleeves, and from beige four handles and legs and one face detail.

Here are all the details prepared, we pretend to be a mock angel.

We take the details of the body, sew them and stuff them with holofiber. We sew the legs in pairs, fill them very slightly and sew them in at the bottom of the body.

Now we sew the wings and fill them.

Fold the sleeves, sew them. Now fold the pens in pairs and sew them without filler. The face remains. We put beige on a pink blank, and another pink on top. Sew in a circle.

Now we sew lace from the bottom of the body, sew sequins on the ribbon on the lace.

We sew sequins along the contour and wings.

Now we sew the sleeves, and to them hands, too, with circles of sequins.

Sew sequins on the head in a circle. All details are ready, you can proceed to the final stage, assembly. We tie a bow with a bell from a ribbon. Still cut a piece of tape for the eyelet.

We assemble an angel like this in detail, gluing it with a glue gun. Everything came out here such an interesting children's guardian angel. Thanks for your attention!


Watch the video: Needle Felted Waldorf Inspired Angel Ornament: A Beginning DYI Needle Felting Kit available!! (October 2024).