Children's winter slippers from fur


In order for the child to run warmly at home and on the street, we put him in light, warm, fur slippers, ankle boots.
You can make them yourself. To do this, we need: natural or artificial fur, coats, felt, threads (40th number), a thick nylon thread, an awl, a crayon, scissors and a sharpened knife.

Patterns are made from any shoes that are suitable and suitable for the size of the child. We will take this product as a template. It is advisable to choose a model so that it has fewer parts and seams.
One boot or slipper must be carefully disassembled. Separate the sole from the slipper, and carefully disassemble it into parts. Firmly attach each component to the Whatman paper and circle with a pencil. Cut out what you got. On each cut part, mark, for example, the number 1. This side of the patterns will be designed for the sneaker that you disassembled (right or left). The reverse, clean, side of the pattern for a pair of slippers.
Carefully lay out the prepared patterns on the fur of your choice and circle them with chalk or a pencil. If you chose natural fur, it is easier to cut the cut with a sharp knife, and if the fur is artificial, then with scissors.

Carry out a similar work with patterns from coats. Fold the palm cloth. Put patterns on it and, holding them with one hand, circle them and cut them out.
You got a ready cut for one slipper (photo 5). Do the same job for a pair of slippers.
Stitching of fur on a sewing machine or manually is done by applying one part to another (lap) so that the seam in the finished product is not thick and does not interfere.

When sewing the upper sneaker, the connection of the details with a butterfly stitch.
After the fur and the top of the product are sewn, you need to insert the stitched fur part into the stitched top and sew them together.

Let's make a krant. It is needed to connect the slipper to the sole. Without a faucet, when sewing the sole with an awl, the coat fabric will tear.
Leather is the best choice for making a frant. It is necessary to cut strips of leather with a width of 3 centimeters, and a length equal to the circumference of a stitched slipper, plus 2 centimeters for an overlap. Having prepared the faucet, sew it to the base of the slipper around the entire circumference.

The next step in our work will be the hemming of the sole to the slipper. Felt or felt boots are suitable for the sole. Felt or insoles from large felt can be purchased at the store for 15-20 rubles per pair. A pair of soles can be cut from the top of the boot. Make a pattern for the sole on the flank sole - circle it on the felt, insole, or on the top of the felt boot. Cut the sole with a sharpened knife! In this case, it will be even.

Now sew the sole to the slipper. Before hemming the eye, mark the middle of the heel of the sole, since sewing must be done from heel to toe. Attach the heel of the sole to the heel of the slipper so that the seam on the back of the slipper matches your mark on the sole. Puncture the faucet and soles and start flashing with an awl. Sew one side of the slipper from heel to toe. Make a knot and sew the slippers on the krant on the other side of the slipper.
The slipper is stitched. The final stage of our work will be bringing to the "presentation" of our product. Comb the fur on the top of the slipper with a metal brush. Bend the bootleg to the height you like. Now the work is completed.

A pair of slippers is done similarly.
Here is such a versatile shoe with their own hands, at minimal cost. It takes about three hours to make a pair of shoes. In such slippers - half boots, the child will be able to run around the house, and having unbent them, - along the street.
